Keech Mining Supplies offers custom buckets
(December 2012) – Keech Mining Supplies is changing the state of play in the mining segment by supplying custom made buckets for use across the industry. The move will enable mines across the country to benefit from having an OEM bucket specifically designed from the outset to meet the unique demands of the operating environment.
Brad Clark, newly appointed Business Manager for Keech Mining Supplies, said until now, mine sites would customise their own OEM buckets, with the process taking up to four days and costing thousands of dollars.
“While a lot of companies claim to supply custom made buckets, in reality these buckets are not manufactured from the outset to meet the specific needs of individual mines,” said Brad. “However, in developing our business model, we’ve met with a number of clients across the country and one of the common complaints is the time and cost required to customise buckets to protect high wearing areas and increase the life of the bucket,” said Brad.
“Given this feedback, we decided to branch out and include custom made buckets in our service offering. Under the business model, we can supply a customised bucket directly to the OEM or alternatively, we can deliver the custom made bucket directly to the site.”
The cost of the new buckets will be comparable to standard OEM buckets, with a similar lead time.
“Essentially, mine operators will be saving money as they no longer have to invest company time in customising their bucket. They will also be able to increase the lifespan of their buckets, again adding to the cost saving.”
Since its establishment six months ago, Keech Mining Supplies has already proven itself as a business capable of responding to the market through the provision of customised solutions.
“For example, we’ve currently undertaking a trial with Cadia East Gold Mine in Orange, New South Wales to help them overcome the issue of high wear on the bucket corners. The mine was only getting 700 hours out of its GET and wanted to increase this to 1,200 hours.
“We spoke to our research and development team in Bendigo and within three weeks they’d developed a solution, modifying the design and using Keech Gold on the corner castings to prolong bucket life. Keech Gold is incredibly abrasion resistant and although we’re only 700 hours into the trial, it is proving a success, with only minimal wear on the bucket edge.”
The mine was so impressed with the early trial results that it has recently added a second loader to the trial.
“The development of custom made buckets is the next logical step in our business model. A lot of mines have expressed a keen interest so we’re confident we’re on the right track to delivering a real need in the industry”